
Boost Your Vocabulary

R.L. Singal, Delhi Book Bureau, 2010, viii, 320 p, ISBN : 9788190554664, $33.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

Boost Your VocabularyContents: Preface. 1. Vocabulary in general. 2. Focus on vocabulary. 3. Ways to improve your vocabulary. 4. Increase your vocabulary quickly. 5. Vocabulary words. 6. Boosting vocabulary words.

Many books have been written in this area. This reticent attempt is another pearl in the sequence. This book has been designed keeping in view the mentality of the general reader’s language which is easy to understand. This book is the reference and practice book that will help students to build their vocabulary. Divided into important area, How to Boost Your Vocabulary covers the most important words and phrases needed by elementary-level students. It is ideal for use alongside a course book and will provide an invaluable support particularly for written and spoken work.
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