
Christian Theological Responses: Contemporary Contextual Concerns

T. Swami Raju, Christian World Imprints, 2014, xviii, 182 p, ISBN : 9788192512198, $25.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

Christian Theological Responses: Contemporary Contextual Concerns

The book provides a systematic study to understand social issues from a Christian point of view. It showcases various social concerns vis-a-vis Christian responsibilities towards them so as to prepare people to face the new challenges.

To elaborate, the presentation offers research papers and articles in relation to ‘Subaltern Movements’ and ‘Uniqueness of Dalits Folk Religion’, among others. It also exhibits pluralistic context of India and suggest ways and means of Christian inclusive pluralistic spirituality so as to promote harmonious social relations. Also, an important aspect of human life, ‘disability’ or being differently able physically or mentally has been focused, which perhaps either has been ignored or neglected so far; but Author feels that it is required as a part of theological exercises in developing “an enabling theology for disability”.  The focal point of Christian ecclesiological concerns since 1910, i.e., ‘Ecumenism’ has also been covered. The Author attempts to seek ways for more “inclusive ecumenism” by shifting the goal from ‘unity among Christians’ to ‘unity of all human beings’ irrespective of their religion, faith, sect, denomination and caste.  One of the major social concerns of ‘Gender Discrimination’ has also been highlighted. Author also puts in an analytical attempt to understand the impact of ‘Globalization’ on world’s economic, social, and cultural life. In addition, the Book provides an in depth detail of issues that are causing ecologicaland environmental crisis; ethical and medical crisis in the form of ‘HIV/AIDS’.

Thus it fulfills the concern of Christian community by understanding the contemporary contextual issues and help building a healthier society. The Author attempts simultaneously to provide it as a text-book to theological trainees from multi-disciplinary perspective.

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