
The Great Andamanese : Struggling for Survival

Dilip Kumar Chakraborty, Seagull Books, 1990, pbk, The ASI Andaman and Nicobar Island Tribe Series, iv, 83 p, ISBN : 817046076X, $11.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

Contents: Foreword. Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. History and bio-cultural profile. 3. Family and kinship. 4. Subsistence economy. 5. Life cycle rituals. 6. Political organization. 7. Their knowledge of their surroundings. 8. Myths and legends. 9. Welfare measures. 10. Conclusion. Appendices. Bibliography.

"The Negrito tribe of the Great Andamanese is on the verge of extinction, today numbering only about 29. This study was researched by Dr D.K. Chakraborty at Strait Island where the tribe has been resettled. While critically examining the nature of the group’s struggle for survival, it seeks to document changes in the tribes life and culture, including family and kinship systems life cycle rituals myths and legends, subsistence economy and political organization. It should prove useful to scholars, researchers, administrators and planners interested in the study and development of tribal communities."

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