
Ginger : A Versatile Healing Herb

S.C. Pakrashi and Anita Pakrashi, Vedams, 2003, xvi, 170 p, tables, ISBN : 8179360083, $36.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

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Contents: Preface. I. Introduction: 1. Folkloric background. 2. Historical background. 3. Traditional uses. 4. Current status. II. Cultivation: 1. Occurrence and distribution. 2. Cultivation of ginger. 3. Protection of plant from pests and fungal diseases. 4. Storage. 5. Processing of rhizomes. 6. Varieties of dried ginger. 7. Types of commercial ginger. III. Identification: 1. Vernacular names. 2. Description. 3. Pharmacognostic characteristics. 4. Properties. 5. General tests for identification. 6. Adulterants. IV. Medicinal uses: 1. Parts used. 2. Medicinal uses. 3. Ayurvedic properties. 4. Ayurvedic uses. 5. Homeopathic uses. 6. Unani uses. 7. Tribal uses. 8. Veterinary uses. 9. Recommended dosages. 10. Side effects and toxicity. 11. Precautions. V. Home remedies and other uses: 1. Home remedies. 2. Other uses. VI. Pharmacological actions: 1. Pharmacological actions. 2. Combination drugs. VII. Phytochemistry: 1. Phytochemical constituents. 2. Synthesis of Gingerols and related compounds. 3. Biogenesis of Gingerols and the Diarylheptanones. 4. Structure pungency relationship. VIII. Bibliography: 1. Books and monographs. 2. Journals. IX. Appendix: 1. Selected patents. 2. Contents of patents. 3. Glossary of medical terms. 4. Index (for the text).

"Ginger, valued as a spice since antiquity has been used through ages in almost all systems of medicine against many a maladies. It is now accepted as a drug of choice for nausea and vomiting even in severe pregnancy related morning sickness. A natural pain reliever and an anti-inflammatory agent, ginger has been clinically established as a drug for rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. It is also useful in curing ulcer and preventing heart attack and stroke. A number of active constituents have been isolated from the ginger oleoresin and characterized during the last three decades.

The present book fulfills the long felt need of a comprehensive account on this versatile herb. It covers all aspects of ginger, viz., cultivation, identification, medicinal uses, especially those established by clinical trials, applications in Ayurvedic, Unani, Homeopathic and Tribal systems of medicine, home remedies and other uses as well as pharmacological investigations. The special feature for those interested in medicinal chemistry is the detailed phytochemistry of ginger, complete with the relevant syntheses, biogenesis and structure-pungency relationships. References (200) of the up-to-date literature, selective patents, the glossary of medicinal terms and general index have also been incorporated.

The book is, therefore, expected to be useful to the specialists, students and the entrepreneurs alike."

[Dr. Satyesh Chandra Pakrashi. (b 1930). Ph.D (Calcutta). D.Sc. (hc. Kanpur), formerly Director, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Calcutta and CSIR Distinguished Fellow, an Indian National Science Academy Senior Scientist is now the Principal Investigator of an Utilization of Expertise of Retired Scientists (USERS) project of DST, Govt of India at the University College of Medicine, Calcutta University. An extramural teacher, Department of Biochemistry, Calcutta University, for more than three decades, he was also a National Lecturer, University Grants Commission amongst others.

Dr. Pakrashi has made outstanding contributions on the Chemistry of Natural Products, particularly alkaloids and terpenoids, authored 175 original research papers in reputed national and international journals besides a dozen of patents, a score of review articles and chapters in several monographs. He edited the six-volume The Treatise on Indian Medicinal Plants jointly with Prof. (Mrs) Asima Chatterjee.]

[Dr. Anita Pakrashi, Ph.D., is a renowned biologist and the former Deputy Director, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Calcutta (IICB), and Emeritus Scientist of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) as well as Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi. She was also an Honorary Lecturer and Examiner in the Departments of Biochemistry and Physiology, University College of Science, Calcutta University.

Dr. Pakrashi has made outstanding contributions in the field of Reproductive Biology, especially in the development of herbal drugs and antioxidants from natural products. She has published around 100 original research papers. She has traveled widely in the United States, United Kingdom and Germany as an Exchange Scientist, on lecture tours and conferences.]

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