
Antiquities of Vedas And Upanishads

A. S. Sidhu, B.R.Publishing Corporation, 2012, xii, 196 p, ISBN : 978935050020, $33.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

Antiquities of Vedas And Upanishads

Antiquities of Vedas and Upanishads attempts to fathoms life and times in the Vedic period. It explains beginning of the Universe as theorised in Vedas and its progress in the period of 17 Manus, role of Devas and Yajna in the life of Vedic Aryans law of customary inheritance, condition of woman, Gotra and Parvara, Upanayana ceremony and Pitra Yajna and system of medicine.

It explains how bvarious dynasties which originated from the first King Vaivasta battles and weapons Dan and Dakshana given by various Kings to the Rishies and Dan Stutis by Rishies. It also attempts to explain concept of salvation Jeevan Mukta methods and procedure for attaining the same as detailed in various Upanishads. (jacket)

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