
Cultural Contours of Vedic and Post Vedic Age

Dr.Sushma , Agam Kala Prakashan , 2015, 200 p, ISBN : 9789173201585, $75.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

Cultural Contours of Vedic and Post Vedic Age

Present work entitled, Cultural Contours of Vedic and Post Vedic Age. The Vedic period was the cradle of not only the Indian civilization but perhaps that of the entire world. There is a raging debate going on for more than a century and a half for putting this civilization in a specific time frame without arriving at a definite conclusion that may not defy the evidence at hand. The ultimate solution may come from the age old Indian concept of sanatana, the one that does not have a beginning or an end. At least it is applicable to the Vedic culture whose continuity has never been challenged to this day. Beyond any doubt the Vedic culture can boast of the longest surviving culture as it is a living culture. What was practiced thousands of year ago is still followed by the people of this land.

The reflection of the society contained in the vast ocean of the Vedic literature comprising the Samhitas, Brahamanas, Aranyakas and the Upanishads called Sruti and followed by equally vast post-Vedic literature given the name Smriti, provide us glimpses of the unfathomable wisdom of the people who not only composed it but practiced it as a way of life. The culture that originated in the Saptasindhu land comprising the north-west of the Indian sub-continent gradually spreading throughout the length and breadth of Bharatavarsha and even beyond the geographical contours of this land. That is why India has served as the beacon of the spiritual light to the entire world since times immemorial.Dr. Sushma has given a lucid exposition of present delicate discussive Cultural Contours of Vedic and Post Vedic Age. The present work by scholars, culture & philosophy readers besides the general readers. (jacket)

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