
Introduction to Tantra Sastra

A. Avalon, Shivalik Prakashan, 2005, v, 158 p, ISBN : 8188808156, $20.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

Contents: 1. Mount Kailasa. 2. Siva and Sakti. 3. Guna. 4. The world (Lokas). 5. Inhabitants of the world. 6. Varna. 7. Asrama. 8. Macrocosm and Microcosm. 9. The ages. 10. The scriptures of the ages. 11. The human body. 12. The three temperaments. 13. Guru and Sisya. 14. Initiation : Diksa. 15. Abhiseka. 16. Sadhana. 17. Worship.  18. Yoga.  19. Sin and virtue-Karma.  20. Four aims of being (Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksa).  21. Siddhi.
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