
Murky Waters

Shaani, Books India International, 2006,  vi, 286 p, ISBN : 818912929X, $21.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

"Murky Waters is the first authentic saga of a significant segment of the Indian society--the Indian Muslims. For centuries, the Indian Muslims have been portrayed as rulers, nawabs, courtiers and the cultured Aristocracy. Shaani's novel portrays them as they were--familiar, vulnerable people with their personal and social struggles, their humble triumphs and humiliating tragedies, their little joys and enormous sorrows, their individual passions but a collective identity.

But it would be a gross mis-statement to call Murky Waters a Muslim novel. It is essentially an Indian novel for it is the story of numerous individuals belonging to two families that could exist only in the Indian ethos. But perhaps to call it only an Indian novel would also be an error. The story of the crumbling and disintegration of three generations could be a story from any part of the world.

The author brings a unique understanding and sympathy to his characters and their milieu. Seldom does he indulge in sentimentalism or self-pity but presides over the narration with a wry compassion and an almost totally neutral control. What results is not a partisan, sociological study of the plight of Muslims in India, but a vivid, moving portrayal of the human condition in any corner of the earth." (jacket)

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