
Daffodils on Fire

Mridula Garg, Books India International, 2006, vi, 222 p, ISBN : 8189129104, $15.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

Contents: 1. Daffodils on fire. 2. Time. 3. Not for sale. 4. My widow. 5. Aversion. 6. Unreasonably yours. 7. To the Rose Garden. 8. Remote control. 9. Young feelings, old realisation. 10. A few hours. 11. A date with me. 12. Recantation. 13. I Am. 14. Dimensions. 15. Without Love in Bhopal. 16. Negation. 17. To the glacier. 18. Big Apple, Black Apple. 18. The morning after. 19. Of Delhi but not for it. 20. Between thieves. 21. The Dance of Mira. 22. For the Living. 23. A Woman is born.

"In this collection of stories Daffodils on Fire, Mridula Garg writes with a passion and agony that has within it compassion and empathy. She strips people to reveal their oddities but also to look for beauty; for a kernel of hope to accept human life as it is.

The author works on her stories like a painter, with just a few strokes, a line here and there and a blob of colour in between. She can show you daffodils blooming and daffodils singed in fire. She can take you to heights of snow for a sledgeride and pull you back.

She merges her characters together wiping away the differences of gender, space and time. Everything gets blended into one and many. And you find you are one of them." (jacket) 

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