
Recritiquing S.T. Coleridge

Edited by Amar Nath Prasad and S John Peter Joseph, Sarup and Sons, 2007, xviii, 282 p, ISBN : 8176258156, $39.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

Contents: Preface. Contributors. 1. Need for universal love and harmony: a critical assessment of S.T. Coleridge's "The Ancient Mariner"/S. John Peter Joseph. 2. Bizarre beauty in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner/Rajalakshmi Sathyanathan. 3. Coleridge's Ancient Mariner: a thematic appraisal/Amar Nath Prasad. 4. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: a Ballad for all times/Indira Nityanandam. 5. Character and atmosphere in Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner/Usha Mahadevan. 6. The Ancient Mariner: a case of synergism between symbols and Semasiology in Coleridge's poetry/S.S. Bhandari. 7. Kubla Khan/Anshu Sharma (Bhardwaj). 8. "Kubla Khan": a critical curiosity?/Shibu Simon. 9. Coleridge's Kubla Khan and The Myth of Fragmentation/Sunita Sinha. 10. Kubla's plight: reconstructing Coleridge, culture and theory/Asim Ranjan Parhi. 11. Geraldline in S.T. Coleridge's Christabel/D. Padmarani. 12. Lust and sex in Coleridge's Christabel/A.K. Vishnu. 13. Remorse: a neglected play/Ratri Roy. 14. S.T. Coleridge: The High Priest of Romanticism/Satish Barbuddhe. 15. Symbolism in Coleridge's poetry/Santosh Chakrabarti. 16. Exploring S.T. Coleridge: a study in connection with dream and nature/Ashok Kumar. 17. Samuel Taylor Coleridge: the man and his works/Girija Nambiar and K. Sandhya. 18. S.T. Coleridge: a mystery island/Kulkarni Chandrashekhar Uddhavrao. 19. The gossamer web: S.T. Coleridge's dream territory/N. Sharada Iyer. 20. Mysticism in S.T. Coleridge/D.K. Mandal. Index. 

"Recritiquing S.T. Coleridge is an anthology of twenty scholarly critical papers contributed by different scholars of English Literature hailing from different parts of India. Almost all the different shades of Coleridge's poetry as well as his philosophy of dream, imagination and mysticism have been critically assessed with some new angles. The book features almost all the prominent compositions of S.T. Coleridge e.g. The Ancient Mariner, Kubla Khan, Christabel, Remorse, (A neglected play of Coleridge), Lyrical  Ballads etc. It also includes some articles on the mysticism, dream, nature and symbolism of S.T. Coleridge." (jacket)

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