
Geochronology of India--A Review

Bhanumathi Ramakrishnan and Abhijit Ray, Geological Survey of India, 2009, Geological Survey of India Special Publication No. 73, x, 390 p, $55.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

Geochronology of India--A Review/Bhanumathi Ramakrishnan and Abhijit Ray

Contents: Introduction. I. Isotopic age of Peninsular and extra-Peninsular India: a review: 1. General. 2. Southern Granulite Terrain. 3. Karnataka/Dharwar Craton. 4. Transition zone. 5. Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt. 6. Eastern Indian Craton. 7. Central Indian Precambrian. 8. Western and Northern Indian Precambrian. 9. Purana Basins. 10. Basic Dykes. 11. Deccan traps. 12. Himalaya. 13. Lesser Himalaya. 14. Higher Himalaya. 15. Trans-Himalaya. Discussion. Acknowledgements. II. Isotopic age database of Peninsular and Extra-Peninsular India: 1. Tamil Nadu. 2. Kerala. 3. Karnataka. 4. Andhra Pradesh. 5. Orissa. 6. Bihar and West Bengal. 7. Madhya Pradesh. 8. Maharashtra. 9. Western Region. 10. Western and Northern Indian Precambrian. 11. Lesser Himalaya. 12. Higher Himalaya. 13. Trans-Himalaya. References. Locality index. Appendix: Isotope Map of India. 

From the Foreword: "This special publication is the first attempt by GSI on detailed computerized geochronological database with details of analytical parameters of each age data on the entire rocks of India including both the Peninsular and Extra-Peninsular India. The Isotopic Age Map of India along with the review integrating the database up to year 2000 is an added compliment to this publication. The frequency of Isotopic Age data by different radioactive dating methods for different rocks has been depicted in 29 diagrams along with discussion on significance of age data in each region in addition to the chronological legend with various epochs/events presented in a tabular form envisaged to reflect chronological events in different parts of the country. This synthesis will be found useful by students of geology and professionals and geoscientists in various institutions. This publication will act as a catalyst to develop and refine the geological history of rocks of India in its proper perspective."

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