
Indian Teaching Tradition : A Psychological and Spiritual Study

Jacques Vigne, B.R., 220 p, ISBN : 8170189454, $20.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

Contents: Introduction. I. Hinduism and the guru-disciple relationship: 1. The guru in the tradition. 2. The guru in Indian society: a. The guru outside the spiritual domain. b. Psychology of the Indian family: dependence and tolerance. c. Western psychotherapy in India: possibilities and limitations. d. The guru and the renouncer. II. Stories, meetings and reflections: 1. Stories about gurus. 2. Meetings and reflections. III. The spiritual master and the psychotherapist. IV. Anthology. Annexe: Main modern gurus quoted. Glossary of Sanskrit terms.

"In this book the author has discussed in detail the guru-disciple relationship in India, explaining its usefulness in the transmission of the spiritual experience, and its pitfalls as well. Through the Hindu example, he presents the basis and requirements of the teaching relationship in the field of spirituality. A description of the guru tradition itself with its different branches, and then the psychological, social and familial context of India is presented.

The author has choosen fourteen themes to describe different aspects of the guru. After that, he speaks of his fieldwork and of his meeting with a dozen significant contemporary Indian gurus.

An actual comparison between guru and psychotherapist, from the beginning to the end of the relationship has been made. Further he compares and differentiates the psychological transference and guru-bhakti and discusses briefly psychotherapy and meditation.

There is an anthology of texts on the guru, from the Upanishads to Shri Aurobindo and Nisargadatta Maharaj. Excerpts starting from Jnaneshwar and ending with Kabir's songs are also given.

This book will be useful for teachers, parents, general readers who want to understand the Indian tradition and its mysterious capability through which a human being can help another in his inner life." (jacket)

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