
Agro's Dictionary of Seed Science and Technology

Kins Varghese and Gautam Ghosh, Agrobios, 2007, vi, 358 p, tables, ISBN : 817754313X, $45.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

Contents: Preface. 1. Seed science and technology terms (A to Z). 2. Seed marketing terms. 3. Directory of some important web addresses related to seed. 4. List of some important international organisations associated with seed. 5. Seed testing laboratories in India. 6. Directory of state seed corporations. 7. Directory of state seed certification agencies. 8. Directories of universities and institutes of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). 9. List of seed companies in India. 10. List of abbreviations used in seed technology. 11. Conversion tables of weights and measures.

"Seed production is a complex process. Rigorous production procedures are followed by both the seed producer and seed companies to ensure that high quality seed is produced and marketed. Quality seed is rightly termed as the carrier of technology, because the benefit, which accrued from the use of quality seed is in terms of not only higher productivity but it also, checks the spread of various seed-borne diseases and weeds.

Seed science being a refined subject is expanding at a faster pace, which is a healthy sign, and so does, the number of words and jargons. This makes it impossible to remember every term and its meaning. It is at this stage that the lexicon comes handy. The purpose of bringing out this book of terminology is to present a convenient and concise source of precise definition of terms used in seed science and technology to our readers engaged in research, teaching and development of agriculture. The book will be relished by both beginners as well as experienced workers of seed science. The manuscript was prepared keeping in view the need of graduate students both at junior and senior levels." (jacket)

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