
Bureaucracy and Development Administration : Recruitment and Training

Bilal Ahmad Khan and Ishtiyaque Ahmad, Icon Publication, 2006, x, 195 p, ISBN : 8188086320, $28.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

Contents: Preface. 1. The concept of development administration. 2. Role of bureaucracy in development administration. 3. Professionalism and recruitment of bureaucrats. 4. Professionalism and training of bureaucrats. 5. Conclusion. Epilogue: 1. Origin of civil services in India. 2. Training programme of Civil Servants in India. 3. Training programmes of developmental personnel in U.P. Bibliography.

"This book discusses the comprehensive analysis of development administration in India. It examines the task of making an assessment of various personnel engaged in developmental task with special reference in recruitment and training, intelligently and fruitfully. It examines as to what means are to be adopted so as to bring out a perfect coordination between bureaucratic elements, developmental activities and democratic forces so as to ensure efficiency, professionalism, accountability and productivity. The present study finds out a new approach to the problem of recruitment and training of the bureaucrats and method and procedure of development of administration in India. The efficiency of any administration ultimately depends upon the quality of recruitment and subsequent training of its personnel. This book will prove to be a valuable reference to both scholars and students of social sciences." (jacket)

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