
Advanced Environment Chemistry

Edited by Jagbir Sharma, RBSA Pub, 2006, viii, 292 p, figs, ISBN : 8176113530, $50.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

Contents: Preface. 1. Atmospheric chemistry. 2. Importance of environment. 3. Carbonate equilibria in natural waters. 4. Anthropogenic carbon and environment. 5. Solids in natural waters. 6. The carbon cycle and climate. 7. Redox equilibria in natural waters. 8. Solutions.

"Environmental chemistry is essentially the science of identifying and measuring the amount of chemicals species in the environment, natural or manmade. It also includes the study of the fate and effects of these chemicals species in the environment.

This book describes the chemistry of natural environmental systems, their composition and the processes and reactions that operate within and between the various components. It aims to apply knowledge of chemistry to understand environmental issues. The goal is to provide the readers the knowledge of how to do a chemist's share in improving environmental quality." (jacket)

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