
Poultry Farming and Keeping

W Powell Owen, Biotech Books, 2014, Reprint, viii, 326 p, ISBN : 8176220450, $55.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

Contents: 1. The hen from within. 2. The laying organs. 3. Ovarian disorders. 4. When egg-making is checked. 5. Digestive disorders. 6. Cock-hens, and hens that never lay. 7. Catching and handling fowls. 8. The "Powell-Owen" score-card. 9. What capacity really is. 10. What capability really means. 11. Raw material and finished articles. 12. The egg to incubate. 13. Care of the breeders. 14. The chick to rear. 15. Cross-checking on the "Powell-Owen" system. 16. Grading for laying tests and trap-nesting. 17. Dispatching the pullets to the laying tests. 18. Grading out deformities. 19. Selecting the male birds. 20. Size of egg and influences thereon. 21. Grading in different seasons. 22. Hand-grading of ducks and bantams. 23. For the defendant. 24. Witnesses for the defence. 25. The "Powell-Owen" score-card as an international card. 26. On the farms and at the shows.

"Besides discussing in detail the anatomy of the hen.... particularly the laying organs, the book gives a simple explanation of the various diseases and disorders and their management. Supported with descriptive photographs, it contains a mine of practical information, useful as well as essential for all those concerned with poultry farming and poultry keeping. The author has also discussed his unique hand grading system for grading out eggs and hens in different seasons.

An exhaustive subject index has been appended to the text, making reference hunting easier." (jacket)

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