
Case Studies in Human Resource Management

R.K. Suri and S.L. Gupta, Pentagon Press, 2007, xvi, 384 p, ISBN : 8182742895, $53.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

Contents: Preface. Acknowledgements. A. Organisational behaviour: I. Nature and scope of organizational behaviour: 1. Nature and scope of organisational behaviour. 2. Perception. 3. Learning. 4. Motivation. 5. Personality. 6. Attitude. 7. Decision making. II. Group dynamics: 1. Group dynamics. 2. Conflict. 3. Coordination and control. 4. Stress. 5. Communication. 6. Power and politics. 7. Leadership. III. Organisational behaviour: 1. Organisational environment. 2. Organisational theories. 3. Organisational goals. 4. Strategic planning. 5. Organisation design. 6. Organisation structure. 7. Organisational development. 8. Organisational climate/organisational culture. 9. Organisational change. B. Personnel/human resource management and industrial relations: 1. Human resource problems. 2. Human resource and compensation planning. 3. Human resource policies. 4. Recruitment and selection. 5. Training and development. 6. Performance appraisal promotion. 7. Nature and concept of industrial relation. 8. Labour/industrial disputes. 9. Discipline management. 10. Union approach and trade union. 11. Productivity. 12. Human resource development. C. Exercises and games.

"Economic development brings about changes in the occupational structure of a country. There is widespread growth of tertiary or service sector which provides gainful employment to a considerable population. The human resource is critical for effectively managing any organisation. The rapid changes in technology has resulted in paradigm shift in management of organization and human resource. The organisations are confronted with issues of diversity, ageing workforce, obsolescence of skills and knowledge. It is becoming difficult to recruit and select an employee for last job as more and more employees are lured by competitor resulting into high attrition rate. For retaining the committed employee, the effective human resource management fundamental needs to be sharpened on continuous basis using case studies, role plays, simulation and projects. Effective managers know that firm success comes from identifying required tasks, assigning tasks according to individual and group abilities and combining their efforts to achieve shared purposes. The present book has been conceptualised and designed with an objective to provide meaningful insight in to the case studies in human resource management.

As a Human Resource Management professional and change agent, it is imperative to acquire practical skills by studying the cases, games and carry out projects. The question now arise why a book on case studies? The answer is simple; authors have found a gap in this area. The present book aims to fill this gap, the special feature of this book are games, role plays and projects. The book shall be of immense utility for teachers, students and practicing managers.

The debates and circumstances invited considerable reflection in both academia and among managers about the links between the two areas. This book is an aims in bringing the field closer together by illustrating and analysing some of the analytic and practical links between the two. We do not seek to submerge the distinctive and different contributions from industry and marketing management makes to our understanding of management of human resource and organisation." (jacket)

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