
Advances in Indian Medicine and Herbals

Gyanendra Pandey, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 2007, pbk, xii, 620 p, tables, ISBN : 817080227X, $28.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

Contents: 1. Contribution to the botanical identity of Ayurvedic Drug Tinduka with special reference to Visatinduka. 2. Procurement to Himalayan crude drugs for Ayurvedic pharmacy. 3. Standardisation and quality control of Rasousdhis-task and approach. 4. Survey of Alpine Himalayan herbal drugs of Ayurveda-undertaking high altitude medico-botanical exploration. 5. Contribution of Indian antiaging herbal drugs in medicine of the millennium. 6. Contribution to the ethno-medical utility of Aesculus Indica Colebs. in certain parts, of Northern India. 7. Role of herbal therapeusis in management of clinical emergencies. 8. Effect of adulteration and substitution of medicinal plants of marketed raw drugs in Ayurveda. 9. Case study-I : observations on adulterants/substitutes and plan source of Bharangi. Case - II : Salmali Musali-samal musali-investigation on the new botanical source of Semal Musali. Case study - III: observation on adulterants of saffron (Crocob Sativus Linn.). Case study - IV : Procurement of Himalayan raw drugs for pharmaceutical industry. Case study V : foundation work-basic study of adulteration in plant drugs exemplifying identity of Nagabala. 10. Panchakarma pharmacy - perspectives and dimensions. 11. Potentials of herbal resources of Indian natural colouring agents in new millennium. 12. Study of yajjapurusiya of caraka with special reference to the efficacy of plant drugs. 13. Role of herbal therapy in Apasmar with special reference to Himalaya flora. 14. Contribution in the field of anticancer herbal drugs. 15. Perill a- a valuable and prospective herb. 16. Terminological influence of Ayurveda on botanical nomenclature preliminary study. 17. Interactive contribution of Yoga and Ayurveda. 18. Appraisal of Haritavarga recommended by Caraka. 19. Pharmacatherepeulies contribution of caraka to clinical enterology. 20. Study on interactive role of Pancakarma and Rasayana therapies-purificatory measures (Sodhana) in Rejuvenative therapy (Rasayana). 21. Role of plant-based medicine in anti-aging drugs therapy. 22. Yavagu-synthesis of dietetics and pharmaceutics. 23. Appraisal of herbal drug resources in Bundelkhand of Uttar Pradesh. 24. Evaluation of post-graduate study in Ayurveda. 25. Studies on Karpuradi Varga of Bhavaprakasa Nighantu. 26. Role of herbal industry in economic development. 27. Evaluative observation on Indian medicinal hydrophytes. 28. Medicinal efficacy of Dhataki in Agnidagdha in traditions of Uttarakhand Himalayas. 29. A. Some important medicinal plant-medicinal and aromatics plants of Ayurveda. B. Folk herbology-tribal medicine. 30. Herbal drugs standardisation. II. 59 Hindi articles.
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