
Mushroom : Its Wild Relatives

Nilanjana Das, Researchco Book Centre, 2008, x, 174 p, 45 black and white figs, 129 colour figs, ISBN : 8189614088, $50.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

Contents: Preface. Foreword. 1. Introduction. 2. Traditions and history of use. 3. Morphology of mushroom. 4. Nutrition from mushrooms. 5. Wild edible mushrooms form India. 6. Poisonous mushrooms. 7. Medicines from mushrooms. 8. Mushrooms as biosorbent of heavy metals. 9. Technology for mushroom cultivation. 10. Mushroom spawn production. 11. Preservation and processing of mushroom. 12. Delicious recipes of mushroom. Bibliography. Index.

"Mushroom is the 'fruit' of certain fungi, analogous to the apple on a tree. As the popularity of mushrooms in the Indian diet continues to increase, people are becoming more interested in growing mushrooms commercially.

This publication presents more than 100 species of wild edible mushrooms growing throughout India along with coloured photographs which will aid in identification. Since a number of naturally growing mushrooms are poisonous, mushroom consumers should be cautious in choosing the edible varieties. A separate chapter has been added containing the information and photographs of poisonous mushrooms.

The current trend towards the mushroom farming has created an enormous need for the development of appropriate technology and its transfer to the mushroom growers. The cultivation package for four kinds of mushrooms viz. oyster (Pleurotus spp.), paddy straw (Volvariella sp.), milky (Calocybe indica) and white button (Agaricus bisporus) which can be highly rewarding in Indian climate have been described in this book. Information on how to preserve and prepare mushrooms for the table has also been provided.

Recent research data on heavy metal absorption capacity of mushrooms, medicinal mushrooms etc. included in this book will definitely enrich the knowledge of mushroom researchers interested for innovative research in these fields.

With the wealth of information, novice hunters will be able to identify edible mushrooms quickly and confidently while experienced mycologists may discover new spirit for their research as well as hunting and eating enjoyment."

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