
Advanced Organic Chemistry

Arun Bahl and B. S. Bahl, S. Chand Publisher , 2022, 6nd Edition, 1504 p, ISBN : 9789355010049, $100.00 (Includes free airmail shipping)

1. Introduction, 2. Structure of Organic Molecules, 3. Organic Reaction Mechanisms, 4. Isomerism and Stereochemistry, 5. Spectroscopy, 6. Alkanes, 7. Cycloalkanes, 8. Petroleum, Petrochemicals and Alternative Fuels, 9. Alkenes and Dienes, 10. Alkynes, 11. Alkyl Halides, 12. Organometallic Compounds, 13. Alcohols, 14. Polyhydric Alcohols, 15. Ethers and Epoxides, 16. Thiols and Thiothers, 17. Aldehyde and Ketones, 18. Carboxylic Acids, 19. Diacids and Substituted Acids, 20. Carboxylic Acid Derivatives, 21. Active Methylene Compounds, 22. Lipids, 23. Amines, 24. Cyan Compounds, 25. Derivatives of Carbonic Acid, 26. Nitroalkanes, Diazoalkanes and Azides, 27. Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins, 28. Carbohydrates, 29. Aromatic Compounds: Benzene and Aromaticity, 30. Directive Effects in Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution, 31. Aromatic Halogen Compounds, 32. Aromatic Sulfonic Acids, 33. Aromatic Nitro Compounds, 34. Aromatic Amines and Diazonium Salts, 35. Phenols and Aromatic Ethers, 36. Aromatic Aldehydes and Ketones, 37. Aromatic Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives, 38. Color, Dyes and Pigments, 39. Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons, 40. Heterocyclic Compounds, 41. Ureides and Purines, 42. Alkaloids, 43. Terpenes, 44. Synthetic Polymers • Glossary • Index

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